Gourmet Armadillo served up on Legends Boulevard. [Click To Enlarge]

"Let's get in on this! Looks delicious!"


Back to business. LOL
It's really quite funny watching these birds have breakfast. There's always a boss; he runs off the newcomers; another one gets in there while he's busy; eventually they all enjoy some of the roadkill!
LoL.. your captions are hilarious! What really got me was the one where you said [Click to enlarge] and I said no way!... ewwww ... but really these were fascinating photos and I have never seen an Armadillo before, dead or alive. We just don't have 'em here!
Poor Armadillo!! Just like the possums out here.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the Armadillo it could be done. Chuckle!! MB
I like this series! I will came back after cofee to enlarge it!
As a veggie i couldn't enlarge, but when I've had a jack daniels or sereral later my curiosity will get the better of me and I'll have to enlarge and look. ot to say from a photographers point of view though, they're a great nature doing what nature does capture. What daily photos are all about, real life nit dressed up.
What an interesting animal the armadillo is. I never realized the USA had them too.
It is good to show this side of nature even if we do get a bit squeamish since it is all part of the life cycle. Thank goodness we have birds like these to care of carrion even if they are a tad bit ugly :)
Great photos George.
Again , funny stuff, if you can call it that. Gourmet Armadillo...hah haa!
E-w-w-w, George. Wonder what caused the armadillo to succumb? Actually, I find the series intriguing, in a gruesome sort of way.
That's gross!!!! (is gross spelled correctly) Blaaargh!!!!! LOOLLL!!!
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