Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gone Fishing Again

The sun was starting to burn off the morning fog.


Small City Scenes said...

In the first picture the man is striding along with real purpose. In the second one he sees more fishermen with a boat--is he going to join the? Time will tell.
In the third pic we see the boat with only two fishers---where did the others go? A real cliff-hanger. LOL MB

gogouci said...

Really like the first picture. I'm a big fan of silhouettes.

Flying Solo said...

Wow!! I love them all!
That last one is soooooooo beautiful. Like a b&w turned blue. Fabtastic!

Janice Thomson said...

It looks so darn warm there - unlike here... brrr
I like MB's narration on the photos :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Hello what's goingh on here, these are like real photography images you see in sunday suppliments. Well done very atmospheric.