Showing posts with label project yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label project yellow. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yellow and The Pope

How appropriate that I would run across this yellow VW with a sticker memorializing Pope John Paul while Pope Benedict is in the states for a visit.

I'm still going crazy with YELLOW, so check out these posts: A Hint Of Yellow, Barber Shop Yellow, and Yellow, Yellow, Everywhere!

And check out Carletta! It's all her fault, lol.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Project Yellow #2 - Fire Plugs

[Click To Enlarge]

I had no idea the fire plugs of Champions Gate were yellow until Project Yellow crept into my daily routine! It's all Carletta's doing, she inspired me to seek out the yellow in my daily life, lol.

Anna started it all, and apparently she does this kind of thing all the time. Check out her site to see what it's all about.

Now, of course, I will never admit to being obsessed by anything, except seeking out gorgeous redheads, blonds, and brunettes, but this yellow thing got to me. So, take a look at this Project Yellow gone wrong shot, this Electric Yellow post, and this Chasing Yellow offering!

~ Champ Townboy, "Yellow" Hunter

Monday, April 14, 2008

Project Yellow #1

Sign seen in the window of the Walgreen's at the corner of Champions Gate Boulevard and Legends Boulevard.

This is my first entry for Anna's Project Yellow. Everything I saw for the last two days was yellow!! How can that be?